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13 Easy Ways to Practice Self Care

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Self-care is crucial to your wellness.  Before we can be of help to others, we must make sure that we are taken care of first.  Taking time for ourselves, by ourselves, is crucial for our health, well being, and success.


13 Ways to Practice Self Care

 1. Sky Watch for 15 minutes

Lie down and look at the sky.  The massive enormity and beauty of the sky can help to center and calm you.  Slow down your breathing, relax and just sky watch.


2. Do something selfish

Selfish is not a dirty word.  Do something that’s just for you, makes you smile and makes you feel good about yourself.  It doesn’t have to take a long time or cost anything.  Ignore the dishes in the sink and take a run.  Polish your nails.  Take a bath.  You have to feel good before you can be good for others.


3. Switch to Airplane mode for one hour

Airplane mode your phone or tablet for an hour.  Life will not end.  The endless buzzes and beeps and notifications from your social media accounts and emails can drive up stress and decrease your feelings of well-being.  Give them a rest, and you’ll rest easier too.


4. Dance for 10 minutes, like no one is watching

Did you see the scene in Nappily Ever After where Sanaa Lathan’s character is dancing to hip hop in her apartment with freedom and abandon?  Do that.  Put on your favorite music.  Loud.  And just dance.


5. Take a Nap

Sleep repairs, restores and rejuvenates.  Even if it’s only for 20 minutes.


6. Meditate

Find a quiet spot and mediate for 10 minutes.  Meditation will clear your mind, reduce your anxiety and stress and help you re-center.  Read more on meditation here.


7. Aromatherapy

Lighting a scented candle or using a diffuser with your favorite essential oil can change your mood.   Aromatherapy is said to reduce stress and increase contentment.  Citrus, lavender and sweet orange essential oil scents are noted by many to help improve rest and promote a feeling of well being.  Aromatherapy may even help with hair loss.


8. Say no

Stop feeling guilty about saying, ‘No.’ Cancel plans if you must.  Don’t agree to go places that you don’t want to go.  And don’t agree to do things that will over-burden and stress you out.  It’s okay to not be everything for everyone.


9. Exercise

Run, take a walk around the block, dance, or stretch.  Getting your body in motion is a great way to practice self care and take care of body and spirit.


10. Go outside

Nature is restorative.  Just like sky watching, feeling the air on your skin and smelling the scents of nature is a great way to rejuvenate, put things in perspective and practice self care.


11. Declutter

Piled up stuff and clutter can breed anxiety.  Are papers all over your desk?  Can you barely open your closet door?  Take some time to clear your surroundings.  A clear and clean environment is like a clean slate, opening you up to get stuff done.  Tidy room, tidy mind.


12. Create a home spa

Light a candle.  Take a bath with lots of bubbles.  Shave your legs.  Play music.  Set the mood.


13. Write a gratitude list

Most of us can get into the habit of complaining.   Take a few minutes to write down 4 blessings that you’re thankful for.  Remembering and focusing on your blessings can ease stress, increase your feeling of well being, and may make your ‘problems’ seem a whole lot smaller.

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