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Hair Loss and Fibroids

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What are Fibroids?

Fibroids are usually benign (non cancerous) over-growths of fibrous tissue in the uterus. African American women suffer more frequently than white women from fibroids.  Fibroids have been linked to age, obesity, family history, and a diet higher in red meat.


Fibroids can be very serious.  They can lead to a bloated lower abdomen, excessive bleeding, pain, pregnancy complications, painful intercourse, the need for costly and traumatic medical procedures, and sometimes even loss of fertility.



Fibroids and Hair Loss

Doctors at Johns Hopkins found a link between a type of hair loss called CCCA and fibroids.  They found that a large number of women that had been diagnosed with CCCA were also suffering from fibroids.  They reported that 14% of women with CCCA had fibroids, while only 3% of women without CCCA had fibroids.


Women with CCCA were about 5 times more likely to suffer from fibroids!  Keep in mind, this doesn’t mean that one disease causes the other, only that a relationship may exist.   However, if you’ve been diagnosed with CCCA, make sure that you see your primary care doctor so that you can be evaluated for fibroids or other disorders.



Hair Loss (CCCA)

If you’re experiencing any type of hair loss, it’s important that you see a dermatologist.  There are many types of alopecia, and CCCA is just one of the many.  Women with early CCCA sometimes notice that the hair on their crown seems to break off much more easily, and that it has a difficult time achieving longer lengths.  Other symptoms of CCCA can be itch or tenderness at the top of your head, inflammation of your scalp, or noticing a bald spot on the top of your head. After examining you, your dermatologist should have a pretty good idea whether you’re suffering from CCCA or something else.



Uterine fibroids have been linked to hair loss, specifically a type of hair loss called CCCA.  If you’ve been diagnosed with CCCA you should consider a visit with your physician to make sure that you aren’t suffering from fibroids.  Likewise, if you have fibroids and are experiencing hair loss of any type, it’s important to visit a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis.

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