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What Foods Cause Acne? The Real Truth.

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What Foods Cause Acne?

The Internet is full of misinformation about what foods cause acne.  Everyone seems to want to weigh in on the issue, and unfortunately, there is a LOT of misinformation out there.  One thing that’s for sure: Medical evidence does show that what you eat can influence your acne.


Some people say that salty foods cause acne.  Others say that you need to stay away from pop and chocolate if you want clear skin.  Some people claim that so-called ‘superfoods’ like avocados or olive oil are the key to having clear skin.  But what’s real and what’s just opinion?


Before you jump on a fad diet, or follow an influencer with no medical knowledge, you need to be aware of what the research really says about diet and acne.



Acne and Your Diet

Current medical research doesn’t show that any particular food causes acne, but it DOES SHOW that some foods can influence or aggravate acne, if you have it.



High Glycemic Index Foods and Acne

A diet with a high glycemic index can worsen your acne!  A high glycemic index diet is a diet where you have a pretty high intake of carbohydrates that are digested and absorbed quickly. Higher glycemic index foods cause your blood sugar to rise higher, and more quickly, than low glycemic index food.


what foods cause acne


High Glycemic Index Foods:

  •     White rice
  •     White potatoes
  •     White bread
  •     Boxed cereals
  •     Instant oatmeal
  •     Sodas
  •     Corn syrup
  •     French fries
  •     Honey


Diets with high glycemic index foods are thought to increase acne by increasing a hormone called Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which can increase the growth of skin cells, oil gland cells and increase your production of androgen hormones. In one study, eating a low glycemic diet caused a decrease in acne, a decrease in the size of oil glands and decreased skin inflammation!


Dairy Products Can Worsen Acne

Ever heard that drinking milk might make your acne worse?  Well, it looks like there’s some evidence that this is correct in some cases!  Drinking whole, low fat and skim milk does appear to have the potential to worsen acne.  A study found a relationship between milk consumption and acne.  It’s important to note, however, that no association was found between other milk products (like yogurt and cheeses) and acne.  Yogurt and cheese eaters…rejoice!


what foods cause acne


What Foods Cause Acne?

  • While no particular foods have been found to cause acne, dairy products (specifically whole, low-fat, and skim milk) have been found to worsen acne.


  • A high glycemic index diet, with larger amounts of white starchy foods can also worsen acne.


  • There isn’t much evidence that chocolate (without accompanying sugar or milk) is a big factor for worsening acne.



If you’re trying to improve your acne, it might be helpful to decrease your milk intake and also eat a lower glycemic index diet.  You can read about the foods found in a low glycemic index diet here. More good news: In addition to helping your acne, a low glycemic index diet can also have other health benefits like a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers!

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