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Does Your Hair Need Antioxidants?

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We hear a lot about the importance of antioxidants for your skin.  Antioxidants help improve the health of your skin and can help slow signs of aging.  But what about your antioxidants in hair care? Your hair is exposed every day to toxins, pollution, sun, and chemicals.  Your hair, it turns out, needs antioxidants too. 


Why We Need Antioxidants in Hair Care

Antioxidants are substances that help fight damage to your cells.  Antioxidants help prevent or delay damage to your cells by fighting off free radicals.  Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that can cause damage to your body, skin and hair. 


What causes these free radicals to happen in the first place? Well, free radicals can be caused by any number of things, including:

  • Pollution
  • Sun exposure
  • Chemicals in cosmetics or hair products
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Pesticides
  • High blood sugar
  • Diet
  • Infections


Oxidative stress occurs when there is an excess of free radicals.   Oxidative stress is associated with many health problems, including cancers, heart disease, and diabetes –to name a few.  Oxidative stress can also lead to skin problems and hair damage.


Oxidative Stress on the Hair

Just as pollution and sun exposure can damage the skin, the free radicals caused by pollution, UV light, hair treatments, and grooming practices can also put oxidative stress on your hair, causing damage.   Sunlight can damage and weaken the structure of the hair, making it more prone to breakage.   UVB light can also damage the melanin in the hair, negatively impacting the color and shine of the hair.


Inflammation can be associated with several types of hair loss, and oxidative stress can lead to chronic inflammation.  Oxidative stress can also lead to an imbalance in the scalp, which can worsen conditions like dandruff, which can lead to hair shedding.


Antioxidants in hair care can help to combat the damage and inflammation caused by free radicals.  Antioxidants bind to free radicals so that they can’t weaken or damage your hair or scalp.  In one study, using natural antioxidants from artichokes and rice helped to improve shine, color and strength of the hair and reduced protein degradation in the hair caused by UV light.


Adding Antioxidants to Your Hair Care Routine

Antioxidants are key to not only your skin, but also your hair care.  Antioxidants in hair care combat oxidative stress and reduce free radicals.  Adding antioxidants to your hair care routine can help keep your scalp in balance, and may reduce inflammation that can result from everyday toxic exposures and hair care routines.  Natural antioxidants, such as those found in tea, can help reduce oxidative stress, and ultimately benefit your hair.

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