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Write for Us 

Thank you for considering contributing to MDhairmixtress, a platform dedicated to women’s health, beauty, and wellness. Our belief in 360° self-care is at the foundation of everything that we do. We value the quality of our content and strive to provide our readers with reliable and well-researched information. To maintain these standards, we have established the following editorial guidelines for guest authors:


1. Relevance and Focus: All submissions must align with our website’s core themes of women’s health, wellness, and beauty. Content should be informative, engaging, and valuable to our target audience.


2. Originality: We accept only original content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.


3. Research and Credibility: All claims and statements should be supported by credible sources, research studies, or expert opinions. If you provide statistics or facts, please include citations or links to the sources.


4. Writing Quality: Articles should be well written, free from grammatical errors, and easy to read. Make it engaging and fun! Use a clear and concise writing style, avoiding complex language.


5. Length and Structure: Aim for articles between 950-1,500 words, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Use subheadings to organize content and improve readability.


6. Formatting: Use a standard font and size for text (e.g., Arial, 12pt). You can include high-quality images, charts, or diagrams that complement the content. Ensure you have the necessary rights to use them.


7. Tone and Voice: Maintain a respectful, inclusive, and positive tone in your writing. Avoid personal bias or controversial opinions unless supported by strong evidence.


8. Editorial Review: All submissions will be reviewed by our editorial team. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, accuracy, and adherence to our guidelines. Submissions that do not meet our standards may be declined.


9. Do-follow links: We understand backlinks and the motivation behind them and we’re protective of ours, but we’ll still share our “link juice” in exchange for quality content. We allow a maximum of 1 backlink to your website or blog if it is relevant to the content of your post and not promotional in nature.


10. Author Bio: Include a brief author bio with your submission, including your qualifications or expertise in the subject matter. You may provide two links to your personal website and social media profile.


11. Promotion and Self-Promotion: Do not use guest posts primarily for self-promotion. Any promotional content should be subtle and relevant to the article’s topic. If you are looking to advertise, please see below for sponsored post information.


12. Respect for Privacy and Ethical Considerations: Do not disclose personal or sensitive information about individuals without their consent. Adhere to ethical guidelines regarding the privacy and dignity of the subjects discussed in your content.


By submitting your article to MDhairmixtress, you acknowledge and agree to these editorial guidelines. We appreciate your commitment to providing valuable content to our community.  Please send your content idea that you’d like to see published on MDhairmixtress to this email address: submissions@mdhairmixtress.com.


Sponsored Posts
Rates for sponsored posts start at $350, however we are very selective about our partners. Sponsored posts should be relevant to our community, and the product or service that you’re promoting should be something that our community will find valuable.  For more information about our sponsored posts, please contact us at info@mdhairmixtress.com.

The information contained on this website is made available for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. By accessing this website, you understand and acknowledge that there is no physician-patient relationship between you and us.  Some links on this website are affiliate links from which we may receive a small commission from sales. The website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and as an Amazon associate the website earns from qualifying purchases.

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