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Rosemary Oil for Hair Loss

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Hair loss can be devastating.  Losing your hair can lead to depression and lower self-esteem.  When your hair is thinning and coming out, you want to know all your options for getting your hair to grow.  Some studies suggest that there may be benefits to using rosemary oil for hair loss.


If you’re suffering from hair loss, you’re not alone: By age 30, about 12% of women have suffered from hair loss.  But by the age of 60, that number jumps to a staggering 40% of women!  The causes of hair loss are wide, with genetic hair loss (androgenetic alopecia), traction hair loss and CCCA all being common in African American women.


Many people support using rosemary oil for hair loss, claiming that it’s a more natural alternative to traditional medical treatments for hair loss like minoxidil.


Benefits of Rosemary Oil

Rosemary is an ancient herb and medicinal plant, native to the Mediterranean.   It has needle like leaves and a very distinct fragrance.


rosemary oil for hair loss



Popular Claims for Rosemary Oil:

  • Helps with dandruff
  • Helps with hair growth
  • Treats hair loss
  • Cleanses and detoxifies the scalp



Rosemary Essential Oil


Rosemary shampoos and rosemary oil are popularly used to help thicken and help with hair growth.  But what does the scientific evidence about rosemary oil for hair loss really show?



Rosemary Oil for Hair Loss: Evidence

There are several published studies that suggest that rosemary oil may have some benefit for hair growth.  Minoxidil (Rogaine) is a popular and well-studied treatment for genetic hair loss.   A 2015 study showed that at the 6-month mark of treatment, people with genetic hair loss treated with rosemary oil had hair growth that rivaled that for people treated with minoxidil, though the difference between the two wasn’t statistically significant.


Another study, published in 2013, looked at the enzyme DHT.  You’ve probably heard about DHT in the media.  It’s the androgen hormone that can shorten the growth cycle of your hair and shrink your hair follicles, thus causing thinning and hair loss.  In the study, mice with testosterone related hair loss experienced hair regrowth after being treated with rosemary oil.  The authors of the study think that the rosemary oil helped regrow the hair by blocking DHT.


Rosemary Hair Serum

Aromatherapy with rosemary essential oil has also been shown to help with hair regrowth in alopecia areata.  In a study published in the late 1990’s rosemary essential oil, along with lavender, thyme and cedarwood oils were found to be helpful for hair loss.  Rosemary oil is one of several essential oils that can have benefits for the hair.  Here is a useful post from Aromatherapy Press on the Five Most Effective Essential Oils for Hair Growth and Repair.


Rosemary oil also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties.  While there weren’t any studies showing that rosemary oil helps with dandruff or that it helps to detoxify the scalp, helping to kill bacteria and decrease inflammation might help with scalp health.  A healthy scalp is necessary for healthy hair growth. 


Rosemary oil has also been also shown to help dilate the blood vessels (called vasodilation).  Theoretically, an improved blood flow to the scalp could create a better environment for hair follicles.  Still, there aren’t any scientific studies showing that this leads to better hair growth.


Using Rosemary Oil: Warnings

  • Avoid using rosemary oil if you’re pregnant or breast feeding.
  • Keep rosemary oil away from your eyes and mouth.
  • Keep rosemary oil out of the reach of children.
  • Always dilute rosemary essential oil before using it.


Remember, essential oils are potent and must be respected as such!  They can be associated with skin irritation, burns and rashes.  You shouldn’t use an undiluted essential oil.  If you use rosemary essential oil, be sure to use it diluted with a carrier oil.  Good oils to mix rosemary essential oil into are jojoba oil (if you like a lighter oil) and castor oil (if you like something a bit heavier).


How to Use Rosemary Oil for Hair


1. Use Rosemary Oil as a Hair and Scalp Oil

You can add rosemary essential oil to your favorite carrier oil (like castor or jojoba) and massage it into your scalp a few nights a week.


2. Add Rosemary Oil to Your Shampoo

Adding a few drops of rosemary essential oil to your favorite shampoo will make your shower smell amazing, and the scent is also very soothing.  You can do this if you prefer not to buy a rosemary shampoo.


Rosemary Shampoo



3. Add Rosemary Oil to your Homemade Hair Wash

You can add rosemary oil to your favorite homemade hair cleanser.  Try adding it to a rhassoul clay mud wash for a natural cleanse that helps cleanse your hair without stripping it.   You can also add in other favorite oils that might help with hair growth, including amla and lavender essential oils.



Rosemary oil might be helpful for some types of hair loss, especially genetic hair loss.  Rosemary oil has many properties that can benefit your scalp and make it a healthier environment for hair growth.  Rosemary oil should be used appropriately and respected as an essential oil.

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