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Are Hair Loss Shots Safe?

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What are Hair Loss Shots?

Hair loss shots are a popular treatment for several types of hair loss.  They are done by many dermatologists, and have helped many people regrow their hair.  Are hair loss shots safe?  Will hair loss shots raise your blood sugar?


Hair loss shots are injections of small amounts of a diluted corticosteroid solution into the scalp and around the hair follicles.  Called intralesional injections, these hair loss shots are commonly made of a corticosteroid called triamcinolone acetonide.  Corticosteroids and hair loss shots work by decreasing inflammation.  Inflammation in your scalp and around your hair follicles can cause your hair to come out.  A classic example of this is the disease alopecia areata.


are hair loss shots safe

Samrao A et al. Dermatol Online J. 2011 Nov 15;17(11):1.


By decreasing inflammation around your hair follicles, hair loss shots can be helpful with some types of hair loss.  Steroid shots are done frequently to help treat other types of hair loss too.  CCCA and traction alopecia (thin edges) are two more common types of hair loss that can be treated with steroid shots.  Actress Jada Pinkett Smith has been open about her experience with hair loss and receiving hair loss shots.  Intralesional steroid shots can also help decrease the discomfort from lupus spots on your scalp.



Are Hair Loss Shots Safe?

Generally speaking, hair loss shots are safe and well tolerated when given in recommended amounts by a trained physician.  Many, many people benefit from them, and they can be super helpful in fighting alopecia.


Almost nothing comes with zero risk, and hair loss shots are no different.  Possible risks from hair loss shots can include a dell or depression in your skin or a lightening of the skin where the shot was placed.  Much less common side effects from intralesional steroid shots can include skin color and texture changes, acne and infection, and suppression of the immune system, but these are rare with hair loss shots.


are hair loss shots safe


Can Hair Loss Shots Increase Blood Sugar?

Hair loss shots are generally considered to be quite safe when given correctly and by a trained professional.  Unlike steroid medications that you take by mouth (like prednisone), which are well known to increase the blood sugar and can cause weight gain, hair loss shots are much less likely to do so.

However, in looking at the literature, there are some case reports of increased blood sugar after steroid shots.   In one report, a woman with Type I diabetes reported an increase in her blood sugar after receiving hair loss injections for alopecia areata.  There were only a couple of other reports regarding increased blood sugar after non-systemic steroid use: one found increased blood sugar after using a topical steroid cream on the skin and another reported increased blood sugar after an injection of steroid behind the eyeball.   Again, these reports are limited.


How Do You Get Hair Loss Shots?

Hair loss shots are usually given every 4 to 6 weeks for a period of time, and the injections are a relatively quick in office procedure, taking less than 15 minutes.  Besides mild discomfort, most people do just fine, and can go back to work immediately after the procedure.  If you are sensitive to the hair loss shots, there are ways to alleviate the discomfort from the injections.  Check this post for a video of steroid shots being done.



Hair loss shots and intralesional steroid injections are a common procedure done by many dermatologists.  Hair loss shots can help regrow hair in many conditions, including thin edges and alopecia areata.  There are few reports of increased blood sugar after hair loss shots, and if you have diabetes or are concerned about the effect of hair loss shots on your blood sugar, be sure to discuss your concerns and your medical history with your physician.  While there are possible side effects with any medical procedure, in well trained hands, hair loss shots are performed safely every day.

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