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Dry Skin and Diabetes

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Dry skin can be more than just an annoyance.  It can sometimes be a clue to a serious underlying medical condition.  Dry skin is common in people with diabetes.  In fact, sometimes very dry skin can be a first sign of diabetes


Dry Skin and Diabetes

Diabetes can cause many problems with your skin.  From fungal infections to darkening around your neck, called acanthosis nigricans, diabetes can wreak havoc on the skin.  Dry skin is very commonly seen in diabetics, and is actually the second most common skin problem found in diabetes.


In diabetics, high blood sugar levels, poor circulation and even skin infections can all lead to dry skin.  The skin may look ashen or grayish, cracked and very dry.  The skin can also be very itchy and feel uncomfortable.  Scratching itchy skin can make matters even worse, sometimes leading to infections.  Diabetics are more prone to infection, even from seemingly minor cuts and breaks in the skin.



If you have diabetes, make sure that you’re following up regularly with your physician so that your blood sugar control can be closely monitored.  You should always report any skin changes to your doctor.  Diabetics should monitor their skin closely, making sure to survey it regularly, especially the feet.  Some diabetics suffer from nerve damage (neuropathy).  If you suffer from neuropathy, you may not be aware of itching or minor cracks or cuts on your skin, and you could actually develop serious sores and infections in areas that you can’t readily see.



Caring for Dry Diabetic Skin

There are many helpful measures that you can take to fight dry skin.  First off, if you’re diabetic, make sure that your sugars are well controlled and that your physician is actively working with you to develop a management plan for your diabetes.


1. Manage your diabetes

  • Weight management
  • A healthy diet
  • Avoiding excessive salt
  • Regular exercise regimen
  • Controlling blood pressure
  • Managing stress levels


2. Avoid long and hot showers/baths

Hot water can feel great.  But watch out.  Hot water can dry out the skin.  When bathing, water should be lukewarm, and bathing time should be kept on the shorter end, around 5 minutes or less.  The longer you luxuriate in a steaming shower, the drier your skin could be.


3. Avoid scented products

Scented cleansers and body washes can be irritating to sensitive dry skin.  Opt for mild cleansers that are fragrance free. Cerave is a good brand to use for dry and sensitive skin types.

4. Don’t rub your skin dry

Rubbing your skin dry after bathing could cause additional irritation, and even small tears in the skin.  You should always gently pat or blot your skin until it is almost dry—but still a little moist.  While still slightly damp, apply your moisturizer of choice.


5. Always moisturize after bathing

Always apply a moisturizer to your skin just after bathing to seal in moisture.   It’s important to use a good moisturizer as well.   Generally speaking, ointments and creams are thicker and more soothing to dry skin than lotions. Dermatologist recommended brands include Aveeno and Cerave.



If your skin seems very dry, itchy or sensitive, be sure to  see your physician. Besides diabetes, a number of medical conditions can be associated with dry skin, including certain autoimmune diseases and issues with the thyroid.  Be proactive and make sure that you see your physician.

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