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Jada Pinkett Smith Received Steroid Injections for Hair Loss

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Actress Jada Pinkett Smith has been up front and honest about her battles with hair loss and using steroid shots for hair loss.  You can read about Jada’s story, and the prevalence of hair loss in black women, hereJada has also posted follow ups for her fans, letting her fans know how she is dealing with her hair loss.  One of the ways that she has battled her hair loss is through steroid injections.  Here’s more information on how steroid injections are used for hair loss.


Steroid Injections for Hair Loss

Scalp steroid injections are a tried and true method for treating many types of hair loss.  They’ve been used safely and effectively for decades, and in many cases can stop hair loss and help the hair to regrow.


Typically, a chemical called triamcinolone acetonide, which is a type of corticosteroid medication, is injected into the scalp for various types of hair loss.   This medication works to decrease inflammation around the hair follicle.  Inflammation in the scalp and around the hair follicles can cause the hair to come out.  A classic example of this is the disease alopecia areata.


By decreasing the inflammation around your hair follicles, steroid shots can help give the hair the opportunity to regrow—at least for some types of hair loss. Besides alopecia areata, steroid shots can be used for traction alopecia, and several types of inflammatory hair loss like CCCA and discoid lupus.  Some people even use them to treat severe seborrheic dermatitis, which can cause bad dandruff and hair shedding.


Are Scalp Steroid Injections Safe?

Yes.  Like all medical procedures, scalp steroid injections should only be done by a trained and certified professional.  When done appropriately, they are very safe.  Also, unlike taking steroids by mouth, scalp injections should not cause you to gain weight.  Besides discomfort, other side effects that your doctor will mention include the development of small indentations in the scalp where the injections are done.  Also, there is a potential for discoloration (usually lightening of the skin) in the areas where the injections are given. In most individuals, these side effects resolve with some time.


Here’s a video from Dr. Pimple Popper of a patient receiving steroid scalp injections for alopecia areata.




Should I Get Steroid Scalp Injections?

If you have hair loss, you’re probably sitting there wondering if you should try scalp steroid injections.  There are a lot of possible treatments for hair loss, including minoxidil, and other injections like PRP.  There are also supplements, like Nutrafol, which many people use for their hair.  Also, remember that there are lots of causes of alopecia.

First, you need to see a board certified dermatologist to find out exactly what’s causing your hair loss.  Scalp injections are not for everyone, and some conditions could actually be worsened by scalp steroid injections. Your dermatologist should be able to determine if scalp steroid injections are right for you.

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