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This PRP Injection Might Grow Your Hair!

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Hair loss, or alopecia, is a significant burden to those that suffer with it, and has been associated with increased rates of low self esteem and depression.  Currently, there is only one FDA approved treatment for hair loss in women, minoxidil.  For men, the situation isn’t much better—only minoxidil and the drug finasteride are FDA approved.  PRP injections may be helpful for some people that have hair loss.


What is PRP?

PRP is not a drug.  It’s your own blood, spun down and re-injected into your scalp.  It’s considered a biologic product.  PRP is chock full of potent growth factors such as platelet derived growth factor, epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor. These growth factors act like a ‘healing cocktail’ for injured or aged tissue.  They stimulate new tissue growth and repair.  In some cases, they also seem to stimulate new and thicker hair growth.  Since PRP is an injection of your own blood, it seems to be quite safe, with very few reported side effects.



PRP Scientific Evidence

In one study, PRP increased the number of hairs and decreased the amount of hair shedding in patients with androgenetic alopeciaIn another published meta-analysis of six studies and just over 170 patients, it was concluded that PRP for one type of hair loss seems to increase the number and thickness of hair, without significant side effects.


Dr. Jerry Shapiro, a hair loss expert from the NYU Langone Medical Center, found that nearly 3 out of 4 patients treated for female pattern hair loss with a combination PRP therapy experienced some hair growth.  Typically, the people treated with the PRP therapy noticed a response to the treatment after about 2 to 4 months.



PRP treatments for hair loss have been helpful for many individuals. However, if you’re experiencing hair loss, it’s important to always visit a board certified dermatologist so that you can be accurately diagnosed.   There are many types of hair loss, and treatment options and recommendations vary depending on what’s causing a particular type of hair loss.

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