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Pumpkin Seed Oil Benefits

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Pumpkin seeds are a seasonal snack and a popular ingredient in Mexican cuisine.   These tasty little morsels also pack a powerful punch in terms of health benefits.  Pumpkin seed oil has benefits for hair and skin.  Your  beauty regimen may benefit from incorporating pumpkin seed oil.


Pumpkin Seed Health Benefits

Pumpkin seeds are high in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant.  Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of magnesium, potassium, polyunsaturated fatty acids and calcium.  Pumpkin seed oil is rich in phytoestrogens and some studies on animals suggest that pumpkin seed oil may benefit some low estrogen conditions.


healthy pumpkin seeds

In one study, pumpkin seed oil supplementation in post-menopausal women improved good cholesterol (HDL) and had a decrease in menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, joint pains and headaches.  Pumpkin seed oil also has anti-inflammatory benefits, which may have heart health benefits.


Pumpkin Seed Oil Benefits for Hair and Skin

Pumpkin seed oil may improve your hair and skin.  Pumpkin seed oil may be beneficial for those experiencing hair loss.  Pumpkin seed oil has been shown to block the action of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which is associated with male pattern hair lossIn one study, men with hair loss had a 40% average increased hair count after being treated with pumpkin seed oil.  Pumpkin seed is also rich in zinc and omega 3- and 6- fatty acids.  It is said to improve skin tone and improve the skin renewal.  Several studies have also shown improved skin and wound healing with pumpkin seed oil.


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