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What You Need to Know About Virtual Healthcare for Acne

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Millions of people suffer from acne, which is why acne care needs to become more accessible.  In fact, a study conducted by Weill Cornell Medicine in New York found that 48.3% of patients prefer telemedicine visits for their acne concerns. So even if social distancing restrictions have been lifted, medical experts are optimistic that telehealth will continue to play a big role in acne management.

Though telehealth services have become popular in the past few years, concerns about the process and its effectiveness are understandable. To help you understand how it works, here’s a brief overview of the process:


Understanding the Virtual Care Process

The virtual care process for acne patients starts with finding the right platform. This step is crucial because these platforms allow patients to access key healthcare professionals and services relevant to their acne and other skin concerns.

Accessibility to key healthcare providers is also crucial because healthcare staffing shortages across the country are making face-to-face consultations inaccessible, especially in predominantly rural states. As a result, numerous opportunities for remote nurse practitioners in Mississippi and West Virginia have been opened for practitioners who want to help patients manage acne through virtual platforms. These virtual platforms support a wide variety of care opportunities, and this includes treatment areas like acne, aging, and hair loss.

Apart from that, an article on ‘Patient-Assisted Teledermatology Practice’ highlights that the right platform also enables patients to get faster diagnosis and support for their skin concerns. Advanced telehealth platforms allow patients to instantly upload images regarding their dermatological conditions, allowing providers to diagnose them through spot examination. Since these images can easily be uploaded online, it’s easier and faster for healthcare professionals to spot symptoms and provide the necessary treatments for patients.


What Are the Benefits of Virtual Care for Acne Cases?


Greater access to skilled healthcare professionals

Skin of color can respond differently to dermatological conditions, so it’s crucial for patients to consult knowledgeable and experienced healthcare providers. Having access to dermatologists with knowledge about skin of color is especially crucial for residents in Hawaii, Texas, New Mexico, California, and Nevada, considering that the majority of their population comes from minority demographics. Since residents can access in-state or multi-state licensed providers in a few clicks, it’ll be easier to get more accurate diagnoses and helpful treatments for skin concerns.


Fewer barriers to quality healthcare services

There are multiple barriers that prevent patients from getting face-to-face consultations. As such, HealthTech Magazine emphasizes that telehealth services are critical in allowing providers to meet patients where they are.  People who experience difficulties in traveling to appointments due to medical issues, logistical barriers, or even financial concerns can simply stay at home to get quality care for their acne. Through the use of technology, patients and providers can eliminate numerous barriers to quality healthcare.


Easier to manage acne over time

Acne does not disappear overnight, which is why patients need to work with their providers over time to successfully manage it. Thanks to virtual healthcare solutions, patients can simply send images of their acne to their providers to show any progress or concerns regarding their skin’s condition. This allows providers to quickly adjust each patient’s acne medication, based on their specific concerns.

Telehealth services break down multiple barriers in healthcare, thus making it easier for patients to consult with experienced and competent providers. And by increasing the accessibility of dermatology services, more people can enjoy the benefits of having healthy skin.

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