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Your Hair Stylist Could Save Your Life

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Your hair stylist might do a lot more for you than just keep your hair looking good.  Your hair stylist, armed with the right knowledge and experience, could save your life! 


Hair Stylists Can Spot Disease and Skin Cancer

In a study looking at hair grooming practices and hair loss in African American women, 21% of women surveyed were first alerted of their hair loss by their stylist.  They hadn’t noticed that they were developing hair loss or balding.  Their stylist was the one that told them about a developing problem.


Hair stylists are on the front line of identifying many serious and permanent types of hair loss, such as CCCA and discoid lupus.  A stylist might also notice that you’re suffering from increased dandruff and scalp scaling, which can sometimes indicate seborrheic dermatitis or ringworm, two fairly easily treatable conditions that can lead to hair loss if not addressed in a timely manner.


Many cosmetology training curriculums include teaching about skin and scalp diseases that stylists are likely to encounter in their clients.  Stylists are often the first to identify not only hair loss, but also other serious conditions like psoriasis, lupus and skin cancer.  A stylist’s recommendation that a client visit a dermatologist or a primary care physician can be vital—and life saving.


Hair Stylists Can Spot Skin Cancer

In a research letter in JAMA Dermatology, researchers reported that they were able to improve hairdresser’s knowledge and efficiency in identifying melanoma (the most deadly skin cancer) on the scalp and neck.  The authors of the study used a 5-minute educational video that focused on characteristics of melanoma skin cancer and how to identify a suspicious skin lesion.  The authors graded the stylists’ knowledge before the video and then again after the stylists had watched the educational video.


The authors found that after viewing the educational video, the hair stylists were better able to correctly identify signs of suspicious skin lesions and different risks factors for skin cancers.  The stylists also were more confident in their ability to identify and notify their clients of potential skin cancers.  And it only took a 5 minute video!



Your hair stylist may be the first to notice that you have a pink spot of skin lupus, or a smooth round bald spot of alopecia areata.  Your stylist might notice that you’ve been pulling your hair too tightly and are developing traction alopecia.  Or, your stylist may notice a small black mark on your scalp that signifies the early stages of a melanoma skin cancer.    Hairstylists work hard to not only keep us beautiful, but also to keep our scalps healthy.  They train rigorously and work to continuously improve.  When your stylist voices a concern, you should listen.  It might just be save your life.


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