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Biotin Supplements and Hair Growth

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If you’ve ever suffered from hair loss or breakage, chances are that a well-meaning friend or colleague has suggested that you start taking biotin.  Everyone, it seems, has a story about someone that grew amazing hair with biotin.  Should you be adding a biotin supplement into your wellness routine?


What is Biotin?

Biotin, also known as Vitamin H, is a water soluble vitamin, and part of the B vitamin family.  Known as Vitamin B7, biotin is essential to the function and health of many systems in the body, including the skin, gastrointestinal and nervous systems.  The word biotin comes from the Greek word “biotos” which means sustenance and life.  Biotin helps the body break down and absorb substances such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats.


Your skin, hair and nails are composed of a protein called keratin.  Biotin appears to improve the infrastructure of keratin.  This is why many people suggest that taking extra biotin will improve nail and hair growth.



Biotin Deficiency

Biotin deficiency is rare in healthy individuals. Biotin deficiency is so rare, in fact, that the U. S. Food and Drug Administration doesn’t offer a recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for biotin.  The U.S. Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Science’s Institute of Medicine recommends that an adequate intake (AI) of biotin for healthy non-lactating adults is 30mcg/day.  We get biotin from our foods naturally and our bodies are good at efficiently recycling the biotin that we take in.


While biotin deficiency is quite rare, it can occur. Biotin deficiency has been associated with consumption of raw eggs, certain epilepsy medications, isotretinoin (a drug used to treat acne), alcoholism, prolonged antibiotic use, and certain intestinal absorption disorders.  Your doctor should be able to determine if you are at risk for, or have, a true biotin deficiency.  Biotin replacement has been shown to help with hair growth in those that are low in biotin.


Biotin Supplements for Hair Growth

For healthy individuals without a biotin deficiency, there is really very little scientific evidence to support the use of biotin supplements for hair growth.  In one review of the literature, there were 18 reported cases of biotin use for hair and nail changes.  However, all of these cases had an underlying reason for poor hair and nail growth.  The authors concluded that for healthy individuals, there was not sufficient evidence to support biotin supplements.  However, the authors concluded that for individuals with biotin deficiency or certain syndromes causing weak nails or hair, biotin supplements may indeed be helpful.


Side Effects of Biotin Supplements

Before starting any supplement or medication, it is always important to discuss your plan with your physician.  You want to avoid any serious side effects or medication reactions.  For those on supplements, possible signs of biotin overdose can include skin rashes, lower levels of vitamins C and B6, slower release of insulin, and high blood sugar levels.




For those with a biotin deficiency or with certain underlying skin and nail syndromes causing brittle nails or hair, biotin supplements may be beneficial.  However, for healthy individuals, without a biotin deficiency, there is little peer-reviewed evidence supporting the use of biotin supplements.


If you’re having problems with your hair, or are experiencing weak and breaking hair, see your dermatologist first.  There are many reasons for hair loss and alopecia, some quite serious.  From low iron to thyroid issues to infections, there can be many causes of  brittle hair.  It is important to receive a good examination and be given a diagnosis from your doctor. While meeting with your physician, you can then discuss whether it might be beneficial for you to take biotin supplements to support your hair growth.


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