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Low Biotin Levels and Hair Loss

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Biotin supplements, vitamins with biotin, and even hair products and conditioners containing biotin are ubiquitous.  It’s easy to see how anyone could assume that taking more biotin (or using a product with more biotin) could help to grow your hair!  Unfortunately, the idea of taking biotin for hair loss is a bit more complex than this!  But there is evidence that low biotin levels can be associated with hair loss.



What is Biotin?

Biotin, also known as Vitamin H, is a water soluble vitamin, and part of the B vitamin family.  Biotin is called Vitamin H to refer to the words Haar and Haut, the German words for hair and skin.  Biotin is essential for the health of your skin, hair, nails and body.  Biotin helps the body break down and absorb substances that are needed to properly function, such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats.  Biotin helps improve keratin, which is the main component of your hair and nails.




Hair Loss and Low Biotin

A recent Swiss study found that 38% of women complaining of hair loss had low biotin levels.  Keep this in mind:  The only health condition where there is actually good evidence for taking biotin supplements  is when you actually have a deficiency in biotin!  For those with low levels of biotin, taking biotin for hair loss might be helpful!  For those without a deficiency in biotin, there is a lack of evidence that popping more biotin will help with our hair growth.



Do I Have a Low Biotin Levels?

It is generally pretty rare for healthy individuals to have low levels of biotin. We get biotin from our foods naturally and our bodies are good at recycling the biotin that we take in.  You can find more about biotin levels and recommendations here.



Causes of Low biotin

  • Inflammatory bowels disease
  • People who have been on antibiotics
  • Those who consume raw eggs
  • Alcoholics
  • Smokers
  • People who have had stomach surgery
  • People who take anti-seizure medications
  • People who take Isotretinoin for acne
  • The Elderly
  • Women who are pregnant/lactating
  • Athletes

Not everyone who falls into one of the above categories will have low biotin levels, but for some, there might be an association.


Symptoms of Low Biotin Levels

Besides hair loss, low biotin levels may be associated with:

  • Weak nails
  • Eye inflammation
  • Skin rashes
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Numbness and tingling of the arms and legs



Even if you fall into one of the categories listed above, don’t just assume that your hair loss is because you are deficient in biotin.  Before starting to take biotin for hair loss, remember that hair loss can be caused by many things.   You need to find out what is actually causing your hair loss.  Always see a board certified dermatologist to examine your hair loss and help figure out what’s causing your hair loss.  If you’re suspicious that you’re deficient in biotin, a biotin level blood test can be drawn by your doctor.  If you have low biotin levels and hair loss, taking biotin for hair loss might just help you!

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