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When to Dump Your Hair Stylist

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Besides helping you look incredible, your stylist could play an important role in your health too, being the first to spot bald spots, scalp infections, or serious moles that could be skin cancer.  But how do you know if your hair stylist is worth your time and hard earned money?  Here are 10 signs that it may be time to dump your hair stylist.


When to Switch Your Hair Stylist


1. Doesn’t Listen to You

You work hard for you money, and when you see your hair stylist you are paying for a service.  If your stylist constantly ignores your requests—or worse, flat out belittles them—it may be time to look for a new one. A good stylist will want your opinion and listen to your thoughts about your hair and hair goals.  If they don’t listen, it may be time to start walking.


2. Pulls Your Hair Too Tightly

It’s important that your stylist always has the health and longevity of your scalp and hair in mind.  If your hair is being pulled so tightly that your scalp is sore, or you have a headache, it’s important that you discuss it with your stylist.  Tight hairstyles can lead to traction alopecia and even permanent hair loss.


3. Burns your Scalp

Whether from flat irons, or from leaving a relaxer on for too long, definitely never stay with a stylist that is causing you to have burns.  Also, if your scalp is burning, chances are that your hair is too, so you may also experience hair breakage.  Scalp burns can lead to pain, bacterial infections, and even permanent hair loss.   Burns are always unacceptable.


4. Always Has a Negative Attitude

Life can be hard.  No one has a good day everyday.  But if your hair stylist is always negative, it may be time to consider a switch.  Negativity is catching, and so is positivity.  See a stylist that lifts you up, not brings you down.


5. Colors and Relaxes your Hair at the Same Time

Many women suffer from serious hair breakage form relaxing hair that has been colored treated.   Don’t let your stylist  relax and color your hair. The two processes together can spell serious damage, and breakage that will take months to grow out.  If you must relax your hair, you may want to discuss alternatives to traditional hair dyes.    Or, if you can’t give up the color, consider transitioning to a natural hair style.  For those that choose to relax the hair, and refuse to give up color, please do not ever get these services done at the same time.


6. Won’t Turn Down the Heat

Your haird stylist should always use a heat protectant on your hair, and should also use the lowest possible heat to get your hair styled to your desired level of straightness.  If you’re seeing smoke and smelling scorched hair, or if the blow dryer seems to be running for way too long, speak up.  In general, heat tools shouldn’t go above 400°F.


7. Thinks a Trim Means a Cut

Nothing is more upsetting  than asking for a trim, only to leave the salon with 4 inches less hair.  Sure, it’s important to maintain healthy ends and do away with split ends.  However, this is where communication comes in.  If you ask for a trim, you should get a trim.  You should definitely expect your stylist to give an opinion about what would be healthiest for your hair.  But the ultimate decision is yours.   Your stylist should communicate just how much hair they’re going to take off.


8. Constantly Runs Behind

Things come up.  But your time is important. If you stylist is running behind every time, this is disrespectful, and it may be time to make a change.   Visiting your stylist shouldn’t be an all day affair.   If it is, it may be time to look for a replacement.


9. Gossips Non-Stop

If your stylist gossips and is always telling you about her other clients’ issues, then there’s a good chance that they might do the same to you.   Professionals don’t gossip and tell secrets.   If your stylist is ‘spilling the tea,’ all the time, it’s probably time to make a change.


10. Can’t Put Down the Cigarette/ Phone/ Donut/etc…

Your stylist shouldn’t be on the phone or eating breakfast while doing your hair.  Checking instagram, or eating while performing a professional service is not acceptable.  And if your sytlist smokes around you, remember that second hand smoke (and even third hand smoke) are serious health issues that you should never pay to expose yourself to!


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