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Six CCCA Hair Loss Warning Signs

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CCCA, or central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia,  is the most common form of permanent scarring hair loss in African American women.  Because CCCA hair loss is so common, it’s super important that we’re aware of the CCCA hair loss warning signs.


Signs of CCCA Hair Loss

CCCA hair loss can start slowly.  It can quietly destroy your hair follicles—so insidiously, in fact, that most women don’t even notice the subtle hair loss that is often one of the first signs of CCCA.  CCCA is a silent killer of your hair.  In CCCA, a small patch of hair thinning often starts at the center of your scalp. With time, this area of alopecia can grow to involve the entire top of your head.


CCCA is caused, in part, by inflammation in the scalp, which gradually destroys hair follicles.  It’s more frequent in women who’ve worn tight braids and weave hairstyles.  You can read more about CCCA and its treatments hereWhen CCCA is diagnosed and treated early, there’s a great chance of saving your hair.  When you wait too long though, CCCA can cause permanent hair loss.  That’s why you need to know these six CCCA hair loss warning signs.


CCCA Hair Loss Warning Signs


1. Tingling and Itching on Top of Your Head

Many women with CCCA, especially in the earlier stages, will feel a persistent tingling or itching sensation at the tops of their heads. Some women describe it as a ‘pins and needles’ feeling.


2. Hair Breakage

Breakage of your hair, especially at your crown, can be an early sign of CCCA. The strands at your crown may be more brittle and prone to breakage This study found that women with CCCA were more likely to experience hair breakage at the tops of their heads.



3. Your Hair Won’t Grow

Women with CCCA often notice that their hair is shorter at the crown, and they have a harder time retaining length here. Many things can cause your hair to be brittle, like low biotin or low vitamin DBut you should be aware that serious conditions like CCCA can also impact your hair length and growth.



4. Your Scalp is Visible

The crown is the first place that most women begin to notice CCCA. Because we have so much hair on our heads, once you actually notice a thin spot, you’ve already actually lost a lot of hair.  Don’t assume that bald areas or visible scalp at the top of your scalp is just genetic or age related hair loss.


CCCA, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, hair loss african american women


5. Your Hair is Thinner

There are many causes of thinning hair, including genetics, medications or illnesses. Thinning at the top of your head could be caused by several things, and CCCA is one of them.  Many times, it’s your hairdresser that first notices that you might be getting a little thin at the top.  So if your hair stylist tells you that your hair is looking thinner, listen!



6. Tenderness and Burning

A tender, burning and irritated feeling scalp, especially at your crown can be one of the CCCA hair loss warning signs. A tender scalp is something to always take seriously.  Besides CCCA, other conditions like lupus or scalp infections can cause a tender scalp too.



If you’re having any of the above symptoms, don’t panic.  And don’t ignore them either.  You need to be proactive.  Find a dermatologist that can help you with a diagnosis and help treat your hair or scalp issue.

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