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Ringworm Causing Hair Loss in Adults

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A common childhood scalp infection, ringworm, can lead to hair loss.  Ringworm can cause hair loss in not only children, but adults too.  Sometimes, parents can catch scalp ringworm by using the same combs and brushes that they use on their infected children.


What is Ringworm?

Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection.  Ringworm of the scalp is relatively common in children.  It’s called tinea capitis.  Ringworm is not a worm at all, it’s a fungus.  It gets its name because when ringworm affects those with short hair, it sometimes looks like a scaly ring shape on the scalp.  African American children are especially susceptible to tinea capitis.


ringworm can cause hair loss










In children, ringworm often causes areas of baldness, hair loss or shorter broken off hairs.  It can also look like scaling, dandruff, or dry (sometimes coin-shaped) patches on the scalp.



Ringworm in Adults

Tinea capitis is uncommon in adults, but it can happen.  Sometimes, ringworm in adults can be misdiagnosed as things like seborrheic dermatitis, or bad dandruff.  Ringworm can sometimes go undiagnosed for a long time.   Adults can unknowingly be exposed to ringworm by their infected children.  It can be spread from sharing pillows, bedding, combs and brushes, etc.


Unlike kids, who often show symptoms from ringworm, some adults might not show any symptoms. They are called ‘carriers.’  Sometimes, adults with ringworm will notice scaling on the scalp that can look a lot like dandruff.  Ringworm can also cause the hair to break easily, and have difficulty growing to longer lengths.  Sometimes, hair breakage is the only obvious sign of ringworm in adults.  Ringworm can also cause inflammation and look like folliculitis.  Sometimes, ringworm can lead to bald spots.




Tinea capitis can be treated with oral antifungal medications that your dermatologist will prescribe for you.  Typically, these medications are taken for a period of several weeks.  Your doctor may also elect to add an antifungal shampoo such as ketoconazole.  If you’re diagnosed with tinea capitis and you have close contact with children, it’s a good idea that they be checked by a dermatologist as well.




Ringworm can cause scaling and flaking of the scalp, hair loss and hair breakage.  While ringworm of the scalp is most common in children, it can also occur in adults.  In adults, sometimes ringworm can be misdiagnosed as other conditions.  If your are experiencing hair loss or other scalp conditions, it’s important to visit a board certified dermatologist for an evaluation


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