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Dandruff, Itchy Scalp and Shedding Hair

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Many are bothered by persistent dandruff, itchy scalp and shedding hair.   An itchy and flaking scalp is especially common during the winter, when temperatures are cold and the humidity is low.  An itchy dry scalp can also happen during times of increased stress, or if you’re on certain medications.


Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is the most common cause of a dandruff and itchy scalp.  People with seborrheic dermatitis can develop a thick yellowish greasy scale throughout the scalp.  It can also cause scaling around the nose, in the eyebrows and in the ears.  Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by a common yeast, Malassezia.  Don’t worry, if you’ve got seborrheic dermatitis, your not “infected!”  The malassezia yeast is common, and people with seborrheic dermatitis are just a little more sensitive to it.


Dandruff and Shedding Hair

Unchecked, seborrheic dermatitis can cause your hair to shed excessively.  The scalp inflammation associated with seborrheic dermatitis can cause you to lose more hair than you normally would.  Unlike the short broken strands you lose with excessive breakage, you’ll likely notice that you’re shedding long, full length strands with seborrheic dermatitisShedding hair is alarming and totally upsetting.  But don’t worry, excessive hair shedding from seborrheic dermatitis shouldn’t lead to permanent hair loss.  The hair that you shed should regrow just fine when the seborrhea is under control.



Treating Dandruff and Shedding

Mild cases of seborrheic dermatitis will respond to over-the-counter shampoos like Head and Shoulders, Neutrogena T-Gel or Nizoral.  These affordable shampoos will decrease the inflammation on your scalp and help with scaling and itching.  A word to the wise: These shampoos can be drying, especially to fragile African American hair—so it’ll be super important to deep condition and moisturize your hair.


More severe cases of seborrheic dermatitis will need a dermatologist to help.  Your doctor may prescribe a prescription shampoo called ketoconazole.  Topical steroids ointments and oils are also often prescribed, and they generally help very quickly. Your doctor will probably have you used them once or twice daily for 2-3 weeks.



Oils that Support Scalp Health

If you’ve had dandruff, itchy scalp and shedding hair, it’s important to avoid using products that are known irritants on the scalp.   Definitely avoid traditional ‘hair greases’ with ingredients like petrolatum and mineral oil.  In general, pure and natural oils are best for your scalp.  If you like something heavier, choose castor oil, or olive oil.  For a lighter oil, more like the texture of your scalp’s natural sebum, jojoba is a popular choice.



Baobab seed oil is also fantastic for hair textures of all types. Rich in vitamins and fatty acids that reduce inflammation, it can help soothe your scalp and nourish your follicle for healthier hair growth.  Emu oil (yes, derived from the emu!) has also been shown in scientific studies to help with dandruff and scalp irritation. 



Other Causes of Dandruff and Shedding

There are several other skin conditions that can cause your scalp to be flaky and make your hair shed.  Psoriasis, allergies to certain hair products, and scalp infections are all pretty common reasons for a dandruff, itchy scalp and shedding hair.  If you’ve got an itching and flaking scalp, make sure to always see your dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. 

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