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Botanical Hair Growth: Can Cinnamon Improve Your Hair?

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Cinnamon has long been used in traditional medicine and is also used in botanical hair care due to its many beneficial properties for the hair and scalp.  Cinnamon, a sumptuous, warm and enticing spice, is derived from the bark of the cinnamon tree, genus Cinnamomum.  There is evidence that cinnamon can help with scalp health and hair growth.


Cinnamon varieties are native to India, Sri Lanka, China, and other regions of Asia.   Cinnamon has been used since antiquity for its powerful effects, even being used to embalm mummies in ancient Egypt.


Cinnamon and Hair Growth

Some preliminary research indicates that cinnamon may be beneficial for hair growth.  Cinnamon contains a compound called procyanidin.  Procyanidin, which is also found in apples, cocoa and tea, is a powerful antioxidant.  It is also anti-inflammatory.  Topical procyanidin has been linked in some studies to induce more hair follicles into the growth (anagen) phase and has been linked to improved hair growth in some men with androgenetic alopecia.


Minoxidil is a well-studied and commonly recommended topical treatment for hair loss.  Could cinnamon do what minoxidil does?   That’s up for further study, but one animal model study,  found that cinnamon oil was as effective as 2% minoxidil in improving hair growth.  Another study has linked a cinnamon extract to reduced chemotherapy hair loss in breast cancer patients.


Cinnamon and Scalp Health

Cinnamon contains micronutrients called polyphenols, which are natural antioxidants.  Antioxidants can reverse damage to your cells that could be caused by pollutants, chemical exposures, stress and even aging.  Inflammation is at the heart of many types of scalp and hair diseases.  Polyphenols can help reduce inflammation and can help stimulate the immune system to fight off infection and disease.


Cinnamon also has antifungal activity against a fungus called Malassezia furfur, which can be associated with dandruff and a condition called seborrheic dermatitis, which can lead to a dry, flaky and inflamed scalp.  The antifungal activity of cinnamon means that it may have a potential for treating dandruff—but more study is needed.


Cinnamon in Ayurvedic Medicine

In addition to its role in herbal hair care, cinnamon has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. Cinnamon, either smelled or tasted, is said to have a balancing effect on the body’s dosha.  In Ayurveda, a dosha is the energy pattern that flows around the body, governing our thinking, behavior and physical characteristics.  A balanced dosha maintains the body system, but an imbalanced dosha can result in loss of bodily harmony and illness.


The pungency and warmth of cinnamon is thought to be balancing for Kapha and Vata doshas.  Ayur+Fix E – Ayurvedic Energy and Balance Serum from Bloomballa Beauty has a soft cinnamon smell and uses cinammon, along with ayurvedic herbs bhrinraj and ashwagandha, to balance the scalp energies and strengthen weak and brittle hair.


Cinnamon Safety

Cinnamon is an amazing herbal botanical, with a plethora of possible benefits.  However, the power of cinnamon should be respected!  Cinnamon can be an irritant to the skin and may cause rash or inflammation on the skin.  You should never use undiluted cinnamon oil on your skin, and you should avoid cinnamon if you have an allergy.  You should also always patch test your diluted cinnamon prior to use.  Cinnamon contains a chemical called coumarin, which can cause liver or kidney problems in some people.  Never use a cinnamon supplement without first discussing it with your physician.

Featured Image: Simon A. Eugster

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