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Why Do I Have Eyebrow Dandruff?

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Dandruff isn’t just something that happens on your scalp.  It can happen on your face too!  If you’ve noticed scaling and greasy flakes in and around your eyebrows, it’s not your imagination.  Eyebrow dandruff is definitely a thing, and it’s pretty common.


What Causes Eyebrow Dandruff?

Eyebrow dandruff is not caused by poor hygiene.  It’s usually caused by a condition called seborrheic dermatitis.  It’s the same condition that can cause dandruff on your scalp.  Seborrheic dermatitis is common and is caused by your body having a strong response to a common oil loving yeast, called Malassezia furfur. 


The Malassezia yeast loves oil and sebum, so it flourishes on areas that are rich in oil glands like the skin around your eyebrows, nose and ears, and of course on your scalp.  Eyebrow dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis may flare during the winter, when temperatures are cold, and the humidity is low.  It can also flare up during seasonal changes, if you’re under increased stress, or if you’re on certain medications.


What Eyebrow Dandruff Looks Like

Eyebrow dandruff caused by seborrheic dermatitis often looks like larger greasy or oily yellowish white scales.  It can occur in and around your eyebrows.  Other areas that you might see this greasy scaling are around your nose and in and around your ears. 


In addition to the greasy scales, affected skin can also look red or discolored and can be itchy and irritated.  You might even notice that the skin around your eyebrows or nose looks lighter than the rest of your skin.  Sometimes men with eyebrow dandruff will also see flaking in the beard area.  Seborrheic dermatitis can also cause flaking on the chest and even in the pubic area—think areas that are rich in oil glands.


Eyebrow Dandruff Treatments

Most dandruff shampoos can be helpful for eyebrow dandruff.  Dandruff shampoos that contain active ingredients like ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, sodium sulfacetamide, or selenium sulfide can all be helpful.  You can use these to wash the affected areas on your face.  But be careful not to get them into your eyes, as this could be irritating.



After cleansing, you can use a moisturizer with niacinamide on your face and eyebrow area.  This can help calm inflammation in your skin.  A good one to try is Cerave.   When treating your eyebrow dandruff, remember not to scrub or try to exfoliate off the scales.  This can lead to more irritation and redness and might even make your condition worse.   It’s important to be gentle with your skin.  Also, if you’re one that likes to shape your eyebrows, avoid any waxing, tweezing or threading until your eyebrow dandruff improves, as these could irritate your skin even more!



What Else Should I Know?

If your eyebrow dandruff is not responding to drugstore remedies, or seems to be getting worse, it’s important that you seek out a board-certified dermatologist.  Sometimes, your dermatologist will recommend prescription antifungal creams and shampoos, or even cortisone creams to help your skin heal.


Also, keep in mind that other things like contact allergies, psoriasis, or even autoimmune conditions can cause scaling around your eyebrows or face, so it’s important to visit a doctor if you’re not improving!  If you want to know more about other remedies for dandruff, including natural treatments, check out this post.

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